Finished DIY decorated wine bottles

DIY Decorated Wine Bottles

Are you looking for an easy and fun way to upcycle your empty wine bottles? These DIY decorated wine bottles are the perfect craft project! With just a few supplies, you can create a custom painted or glittered wine bottle that can be used for home decor or for gift-giving.

Supplies Needed

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These easy DIYs requires just a few supplies:


Painted Wine Bottle

  1. Wash and remove any labels from the wine bottles. For sticky areas, I like to use Goo Gone.
  2. Lay down newspaper or drop cloth in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Put on your gloves and shake the spray paint can well.
  4. Apply the paint in thin layers on a section of the bottle. Use sweeping strokes to avoid pooling and dripping.
  5. Repeat step 4, section by section, until the entire bottle is painted.
  6. Let dry according to spray paint instructions.

Glittered Wine Bottle

  1. Wash and remove any labels from the wine bottles. For sticky areas, I like to use Goo Gone.
  2. Lay down some scrap paper to catch the excess glitter.
  3. Using a foam brush, apply Mod Podge in long, even strokes.
  4. Apply glitter.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, section by section, until the entire bottle is covered in glitter.
  6. Touch up any areas by applying some Mod Podge and glitter only in the spots where needed.
  7. Apply a final layer of Mod Podge onto the entire bottle to keep glitter intact.
  8. Dry completely.
Glittering process for DIY decorated wine bottles

That’s it! Easy, right? I think these DIY decorated wine bottles came out pretty cute and will work nicely for Valentine’s Day. If you need some empty wine bottles before you can start this project, check out my picks for wines under $30.

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