

Hi, I’m Carol Pardee and I want to welcome you to my little corner of the internet!

About Me

This year (2019), I will be celebrating my 55th birthday and my 25th wedding anniversary. I am also a proud mom to our beautiful daughter and pet mom to our cat, Lexi.

In September of 2017, we sent our daughter off to college and my husband and I officially became empty-nesters. Needless to say, I felt some pressure to decide what to do during the second half of my life. I asked myself questions like “should I go back to my previous career?” and “what would I like to change about myself?” and my answers led me to start this blog in 2018.

About Life Of The Pardee

I believe midlife should be about embracing our age and filling our lives with fun and positivity. Instead of reading articles about menopause and botox, I want to learn a new recipe, visit a new place, or start a new hobby. ln fact, I believe midlife is a great time in life to work on becoming a better version of oneself – a better woman, a better wife, a better mother, a better cook, a better host, a better friend, and so on.

This blog contains articles about all of the fun, food, fashion, and fitness-related topics that I have researched and experienced myself as an over-fifty woman. Sign up to receive my monthly newsletter with post updates, news, and other special content.

I recently decided to include content on happenings and things to do in and around New Jersey. While you can find great sites catering to younger women and families, I want to provide a fresh perspective as a NJ lifestyle blog for midlife women, written by a midlife woman.

Whether or not you live in or near NJ, my hope is that you will find something new and interesting to read that might help or inspire you in some way. I also hope this blog becomes a space to share ideas, solutions, inspiration, encouragement, and advice so that we can all live our best midlife.


If you would like to get in touch with me, please use my contact form or send an email to You can also find me on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook, I would love to hear from you!

Thank you for stopping by!

Carol's signature for lifeofthepardee