what to do if you overindulged
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Overindulged? Here’s What To Do The Next Day.

I am always amazed by how much one night of overindulging can affect my body. The other night, my husband and I went out to dinner to one of our favorite restaurants and chowing down those extra appetizers and drinking that additional glass of wine left me feeling bloated and headache-y, resulting in a bad night’s sleep. When I was younger, I would most likely get out of bed, eat a fatty breakfast, and get on with my day. But now that I am older, it definitely takes my body longer to recover after I overindulged!

Over the years, I read about various ways to “detox” after a night of overindulging. So this is the “detox ritual” I follow and it always does the job for me:

Morning Routine

  1. Relax in bed a little longer than usual. I am not one to normally sleep in late but just laying in bed a little extra longer to ease into the day is a good idea. If you are less of a morning person, by all means, turn off the alarm clock and sleep in a bit more.
  2. Give yourself a facial. First thing out of bed, I wash my face and follow with toner to make sure I got rid of every last bit of makeup from the night before. Yes, this should have been done before going to bed, but sometimes it doesn’t happen! After cleansing, I hydrate my face with my daily serum and moisturizer.
  3. Perform oil pulling and brush teeth.
  4. Drink a large glass of water with some sliced lemon. I like to drink this warm but either way it is a good way to hydrate.
  5. Eat a healthy breakfast containing both carbs and protein such as oatmeal and a green protein smoothie.

Throughout The Day

  1. Continue to drink plenty of water. It is important to drink at least half your bodyweight in ounces of water each day. So, for example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should try to drink 70 ounces of water per day.
  2. Move the body. If you feel up to it, take a walk outside and get some fresh air. Sometimes, I do not feel like going out so I like to do some chores around the house (laundry, tidying-up, anything that gets me moving).
  3. Eat a healthy-ish lunch and dinner.

Nighttime Ritual

  1. Take a warm shower or bath.
  2. Drink some herbal tea before bed (I like to drink dandelion root tea).
  3. Go to sleep a little earlier than usual.
  4. Put aside the guilt and look forward to a new day!

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How do you recover from a day of overindulging? Please share in the comments below.

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