DIY Succulent Terrarium

How To Make A Succulent Terrarium in 4 Easy Steps

Are you looking for a fun and easy way to bring the outdoors in? Maybe you are looking for a unique gift idea or a fun and easy craft? Consider making a succulent terrarium!

This summer, my daughter and I attended a local workshop on DIY Succulent Terrariums. Not only was it a fun activity that we both shared, we walked away with two beautiful succulent terrariums!

This guide will help you make a succulent terrarium for yourself or as a gift in 4 easy steps.

What is a terrarium?

Think of a terrarium like a mini-greenhouse. There are two types of terrariums: sealed and open. A sealed (or closed) terrarium has a lid that will allow moisture to build up inside. This type works best for humidity-loving plants. Open terrariums have no lid and work well for dry-weather plants like cacti and succulents.

Terrariums are decorative and easy to care for. Since they are small, they are a great fit for any space. Terrariums are a great gift idea and a very rewarding DIY project for you and your family.

DIY Succulent Terrarium


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Step 1 – Add Drainage

Wash and dry the container. Add a thick layer (1″ – 2″) of stones or gravel to the bottom of the container for drainage. Drainage is important so that excess water doesn’t stay in the soil and cause root rot. If you have activated charcoal, add a thin layer as it helps remove toxins and odors. I did not have activated charcoal, so I made sure to have a fairly thick layer of stones.

Step 2 – Add Soil

Add enough soil so that the plants’ roots will be covered. Any type of potting soil should work but there are special mixes for cacti and succulents available.

Step 3 – Add Succulents

Transplant succulents. Plant the larger ones first so that you can better plan your arrangement. Remove the plant from the pot and break up the roots a bit before gently pressing it into your terrarium.

Step 4

Now for the creative part – adding your decorative elements! There are no wrong options here. Some examples are: another layer of colored sand, gravel, river rocks, sea shells, moss, anything you want! The key is to choose organic elements. And, if you need some additional inspiration, nothings beats a visit to your local farm.

Succulent Terrarium Care

Succulents are super easy to care for and require little maintenance:

  • Place in bright, indirect sunlight but avoid direct sunlight for long periods of time.
  • Water the terrarium about every two weeks or when soil is dried up. Just be sure not to overwater!
  • Prune the plants frequently to cut off any dead pieces.

The truth is, I do not have a green thumb at all. My husband takes care of all of our landscaping and I have been known to kill more than a few houseplants. Succulent Terrariums are the perfect choice for me!

I hope you decide to make one too! Share your pics in the comments below!

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