How to get thicker eyebrows

How To Get Thicker Eyebrows

Pick up any magazine or read any beauty blog and you will see thick, bold eyebrows everywhere. When I look at pictures of myself, I am surprised by how thin my own brows are. Years of tweezing and waxing have really taken its toll. So I asked myself is it possible to get thicker eyebrows?

Can Eyebrows Be Regrown?

They say brow hairs usually grow in a three to four month cycle. However, years of over-plucking may have caused permanent damage to the follicle and it may not be possible to grow new hair. I suspect that this is the case for me! Nevertheless, for the past few weeks, I have been using Revitabrow Advanced Eyebrow Conditioner & Serum.

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The serum is applied to dry eyebrows once per day. I purchased a 1.5ML size (which is a 4 – 6 week supply). So far the results are promising! I do see a few new hairs appearing under my right brow [which happens to be the eyebrow that needs the most help].

My Eyebrow After Using Revitabrow

It’s important to note that you must continue to use the serum to maintain results. In fact, their website states “If you discontinue use of RevitaBrow® Advanced Eyebrow Conditioner, your eyebrows will gradually return to their original appearance.

While waiting for eyebrows to regrow, makeup can really help to shape, fill, and define your brows.

Get Thicker Eyebrows With Makeup

Choose Your Product

There are lots of choices out there in terms of products – eyebrow gels, pomades, powders, mascaras, and pencils. Eyebrow pencils are my favorite since they are easy to use and allow for the most control.

Choose a color no more than one shade lighter or darker than your natural hair color for the most natural results. Taupe is a universal option that works for most people.

Fill In and Define

The best eyebrow shape for me may not be the best shape for you. This article has some great advice on choosing the best eyebrow shape for your face shape.

Now that you decided the shape you’re after, it’s time to apply your product. Whatever method you choose, always use quick, short, feather-like strokes. Fill in any sparse areas a little at a time until you get the thickness you want. And always remember that less is more!

Make sure you don’t make them one solid shape or color. Since the hair at the front and tail of the eyebrow is usually finer, it’s best to apply less product in these areas and concentrate more product in the middle. This will ensure the most natural look.


Blending is necessary for a naturally looking brow. Use a spoolie or eyebrow brush and comb through the hairs (up and then out) to remove any excess pigment and blend everything together.

Get Thicker Eyebrows Naturally

I am also interested in more natural eyebrow growth tips. Here are some I came across that are definitely worth trying:

Castor Oil and Petroleum Jelly

Castor oil supposedly encourages hair growth. Petroleum jelly, like oil, locks in moisture which is thought to stimulate growth and nourish hairs. Apply either of these before bedtime.


Eating a well-balanced diet with vitamin-rich foods supports healthy skin, nails, and hair. Add foods such as eggs, nuts, avocado, kale, and whole grains into your diet. Drink water, exercise, and try to reduce stress. These are all healthy habits we should do regardless of the state of our eyebrows! I began tracking these goals daily and created my own weekly tracker printable which you can download here.

Additional Eyebrow Tips

Here are some final pointers while you work on regrowing or thickening your eyebrows:

  1. Be patient and avoid tweezing as much as possible! I know I am guilty of wanting to tweeze all the fine hairs I see as I look into a magnifying mirror. Look at your brows in a regular, non-magnified mirror so that you don’t get a distorted view. Before tweezing, it also helps to thicken your eyebrows with makeup first. Then, only tweeze the hairs that are not near the brow line. Use a slant-tip tweezer and pull in the direction of hair growth.
  2. I am sure you heard the expression “eyebrows should be sisters, not twins.” This means that your eyebrows should be similar in shape and size but not perfectly matched.
  3. Apply a bit of highlighter under your eyebrows. A touch of glow will make your arch sharper and lift the entire area. And a bit of concealer over your brows, following the brow line, will create a clean and defined look.
  4. Consult a professional. They can really guide you in the right direction and provide other techniques such as microblading.

Beauty trends come and go but I think natural, fuller brows are here to stay!

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